Ayleen Psychic Medium
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Psychic, Mediumship, Clairvoyance Explained



CLAIRVOYANCE is the ability to see things with your inner vision. It's one of the most popular, but also least understood, psychic gifts. It’s like watching a movie in your mind. Some clairvoyants don’t necessarily see the future or have dramatic psychic visions like you might see in movies. Clairvoyance can be quite subtle. For example, you might see a color, a number, or a symbol. Sometimes these images aren’t meant to be taken literally, but symbolically. Other times, you might experience a vivid premonition. Clairvoyants may also see auras, spirits, colors, shapes, organs, or glands in the body. They tend to be very direct, as their ability focuses on uncovering hidden truths.



CLAIRAUDIENCE is when hearing is involved. It’s often called "clear hearing." A clairaudient might hear answers to their questions, or even hear things about events happening around them. This ability can also help a clairvoyant "hear" voices from spirits during mediumship.



CLAIRSENTIENCE is the ability to receive intuitive messages through gut feelings or physical sensations. Empathy, or feeling the emotions of others, is a form of clairsentience. It’s about "clear feeling" – sensing other people's emotions and situations. A clairvoyant with this ability can feel the full emotional state of others, going beyond sympathy to truly experience what that person is feeling.



CLAIRCOGNIZANCE is the ability to just know something. It’s like when you have a strong feeling you shouldn’t trust your new neighbor, but you can’t explain why. That’s claircognizance. These feelings can be very strong, and sometimes they come as intuitive thoughts that pop into your head unexpectedly. Claircognizance is all about "clear knowing."



REMOTE VIEWING is the ability to see things that are far away. These aren’t usually visions of the future, but of the present. A person with this ability might sense when something is wrong right as it happens because they "see" it in their mind. These clairvoyants are often skilled at finding missing people or objects, as they can visualize where they are.



PSYCHIC TOOLS are objects that some clairvoyants use to help them focus their abilities. Some psychics don’t utilise tools, but others find it helpful to use tarot cards, crystal balls, runes, oracle cards, tea leaves, or other objects to tune into the information. These tools help the clairvoyant focus and open their mind to receive intuitive insights. It also allows them to "shut down" or "close" their abilities when they need to. No psychic is “always on” – they have to switch off, rest and focus on their own lives just like everyone else.



MEDIUMSHIP, CHANNELLING, OR CROSSING OVER refers to the practice of mediums who act as a bridge between spirits and the living. Mediums use their psychic abilities to pass on messages from spirits to people still on the physical plane. To do this, they may use one or more of the psychic abilities mentioned above.



The only real valuable thing is intuition.
When the solution is simple, God/ess is answering.

Contact via Whatsapp message globally
+49 (0)176 3074 9176
+31(0)61 267 8347
Email: ayleenspirit@gmail.com


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Shavasti - Teacher and Healer with a grounding in Family Constellations and Shamanic work.


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