Ayleen Psychic Medium
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Psychic, Mediumship, Clairvoyance Explained


CLAIRVOYANCE is an inner seeing. It's the most well-known, but the least understood intuitive psychic gift. It's like watching a little movie inside one's head. Some clairvoyants don't necessarily see the future or have a dramatic psychic vision as you see in films. Clairvoyance can be very subtle. For example, you may see a colour, a number, or even a symbol and some images aren't to be taken literally but rather symbolically. Alternatively, you may get a full-blown premonition. Seers may see auras, spirits, colours, pictures, shapes, organs, and glands in the body. Clairvoyants can tend to be very frank, as their gifts deal with seeing hidden truth.



CLAIRAUDIENCE is when the hearing is involved. This phenomenon may be referred to as clairaudience, meaning "clear hearing." A clairaudient, for example, hears answers to his or her queries or hears answers about things that are happening. Clairaudience also aids the Clairvoyant in 'hearing' voices from Spirit during mediumship.



CLAIRSENTIENCE is the ability to receive intuitive messages via gut feelings or physical sensations. Empathy (feeling the opinions of others) is also a form of clairsentience. Clairsentience is empathic or "clear feeling". Clairsentience is sensing other's feelings and situations which goes beyond just sympathy for that person, as the Clairvoyant can feel the other person's full emotional state. 



CLAIR-COGNIZANCE is the ability to know something – it's an inner knowing. Like if you know that you shouldn't trust your new neighbour but you don't understand why - this is Clair-cognizance. These feelings can be powerful. They can also come in the form of intuitive thoughts that can pop into your head at random. Clair-cognizance means "clear knowing".



REMOTE VIEWING is the ability to see things that are happening very far away. These aren't typically visions of the future, but visions of the present. They might know something is wrong the moment that it happens because they have received an image about it. These clairvoyants are often skilled at finding missing people or objects because they can see the location. 



AURAS: Some clairvoyants receive auric information. They may see auras or energy fields. They may be able to look at someone and physically see the status of their chakra, noting any blockages or physical problems. Auric information can aid in medical intuition.



PSYCHIC TOOLS refers to divination tools. Some clairvoyants work without tools to assist them in "tuning in" to the information that they need. Others may use tarot cards, crystal balls, runes, objects, oracle cards, tea leaves, or other focus items to help them open their mind and their senses to get to the information they need.



These tools are beneficial as they put the Clairvoyant into an open state of mind - the third eye is open. No psychic is "always on." If they were, they'd be bombarded with remote viewing images all the time, leaving them unable to navigate their daily lives. Clairvoyants also get hungry, tired, distracted, and emotional like anyone else. Using tools can help them focus past all of these things to give you the best possible readings, and also assist the Clairvoyant in "shutting down" or "closing the third eye.



MEDIUMSHIP, CHANNELLING, OR CROSSING-OVER is the practice of people known as Mediums who can mediate communication between spirits of the dead and human beings. The Medium uses their psychic senses to pass messages from those in Spirit to those here on the human physical plane. To establish all of these, the Medium will use one or a combination of the above-explained psychic abilities.




The only real valuable thing is intuition.
When the solution is simple, God/ess is answering.


Recommended Links

The referral links below are people I know personally who can offer you exceptional service or products.

Megan Chalidis - Business and Mindset Coach.

Shavasti - Teacher and Healer with a grounding in Family Constellations and Shamanic work.


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