Ayleen Psychic Medium
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My Story

My ancestry is ingrained in clairvoyance reaching many corners of the globe, which carved a natural path to my becoming an internationally working professional psychic medium. Spiritually sensitive since early childhood, my first spontaneous psychic discourse started occurring at a very tender age. My journey continued naturally into adulthood through my instinctive and innate desire for personal spiritual learning and growth.

I'm profoundly respectful and passionate about my psychic craft. It's a daily privilege to listen, learn, teach, guide, and then watch the Universal Source magically shift and shape lives. I'm so grateful for all the messages and testimonials I receive daily. Knowing that my work has given guidance and peace to so many people truly inspires me to continue this incredibly enchanting and humble journey.

Enlightenment, spiritual guidance, awareness, soul, and inner wisdom are my ultimate teachings and collectively, my life's purpose. My philosophy is ingrained in universal metaphysics; everything and everyone is energy and in such one in consciousness.

I interact in a relaxed open, gentle manner, and I'm well known for my expansive, often humorous, but 'straight talk' guiding message style.

The sharpest tool in my box is my clairvoyance, and I use multiple magical tools to ignite my inner-sensing. These powerful elements assist me in tuning into your unique vibration and energies of those around you who influence your life. I use all my psychic and clairvoyant senses to clearly 'see, feel, hear and know,' to deeply explore your unique journey. I also empower you to make healthy decisions for yourself, and I assist you in raising your energies towards a higher vibration, so you can find the positive on your life journey.

The desired outcome as a Spiritual medium is to bring comfort, knowledge, healing, and guidance from your ancestral loved ones who have crossed over and wish to communicate with you.

For the past 30+ years, I've had the privilege of working with and guiding countless individuals across all the continents globally. I am available worldwide online via video chat or audio call - WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, Teams, FaceTime, among others.

I look forward to working with you,


Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.
When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.


"When we desire something to manifest from the Universe, and we are feeling negative emotions, we are blocking that creation from coming into manifestation.  It is our negative emotions that holds us apart from it.  When we release our resistance, we are back in the state of allowing and all the abundance, freedom, joy, success, prosperity, wealth, happiness (you name it) can flow to us."



Contact via Whatsapp message globally
+49 (0)176 3074 9176
+31(0)61 267 8347
Email: ayleenspirit@gmail.com 


Social Media
Facebook page - Ayleenspirit
Instagram - Ayleenpsychicmedium
Twitter - Psychicayleen
LinkedIn - Ayleen Spirit Psychic Medium
Pinterest - Ayleenspychicmedium



Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into...